Wednesday, September 10, 2008


One of the weird things about being pregnant is that strangers think that your belly is an open invitation to a conversation. (I've now "popped" and you can tell I'm pregnant - not just fat.) 

This evening as I was leaving work I was forced into a conversation with a total stranger. He got in the elevator one floor below me. Here's how the conversation went.

Him: How are you feeling?
Me (a bit confused): Fine, thanks.
Him: Is this your first?
Me: Yes.
Him: I've been pregnant three times now.
Me: You've been pregnant? You, personally?
Him: Well, each time my wife got pregnant, I kind of did too (he rubs his belly, which is now slender).
Me: Oh, okay.
Him: This will be the best thing that's ever happened to you. It might not seem that way now, but trust me, it will be. 
Me: Yes, that's what I've heard.
(The elevator opens - thankfully).

Nice man, but I would've preferred to read the news on the elevator TV. 

This is just one of many completely random conversations I've had recently. I've had complete strangers tell me about their grandkids, divorces, etc. The funny thing is that most of these conversations are with men, not women. Are all pregnant women subjected to strangers' personal lives? Perhaps the belly is really a billboard for men, with a sign pleading "Please, tell me your life story. I can't wait to hear it!"

I wonder what stories I'll hear when I have the baby.

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