Wednesday, December 3, 2008


My dad's mother passed away last night. She's my first grandparent to do so and it's very hard for me not to be there. Since I'm so far along in my pregnancy, it's not a good idea for me to fly down to Birmingham for the funeral. I wish I could be there for my dad, Grandpa and, of course, for Grandma.

I've been very fortunate that I haven't had any close family members pass away so it's a new thing for me. (The last was my great grandmother when I was six. I was too young to go to the funeral and didn't really know what happened until I was older. I am the only great grandchild who remembers her and I always remember her telling me that I was her favorite because I was the oldest.)

Grandma has been sick with Parkinson's for a few years but that doesn't make it any easier. It's been about a year and a half since I last saw her and at that point she was doing okay. She used a walker and couldn't move around like she used to, but she was in good spirits and still had her signature personality. (And, of course, a spunky dog to keep her company.) I'm glad that will be my last memory of her, but I still wish I could say goodbye. I'll do the most I can from here - donate money in her honor and think about her tomorrow. Maybe I'll have a bowl of Frosted Flakes (what she served my sister and I for breakfast every time we visited her) in her honor.

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