Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Like Being A Celebrity

This weekend I gave up my rings. Both my wedding band and engagement ring have gotten a bit too snug. I can get them on, but getting them off has become challenging. Since I didn't want to have them cut off, I decided it's best to just lock them away until Baby D arrives. So now I'm pregnant and unwed (well, at least that's how it appears to strangers). Finally, I'm part of a Hollywood trend - Angelina Jolie, Nicole Richie, Katie Holmes, Minnie Driver, etc. all gave birth without rings on their fingers. And now, I will get to do the same. I just can't believe it took me 29+ years to be trendy and it took being bloated/swollen to do so.

1 comment:

Jen @ RamblingRenovators said...

Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog. I was looking for other renovating and pregnant bloggers and it brought me here :) Your posts are great... I'm due a few months behind you (April 15) so its fun to read a bit about what I'm in for. Hope you don't mind if I visit :)

By the way, January 16 is a great due date (its also my birthday!) Capricorns are easy, agreeable babies. Wishing you pleasant last few weeks of pregnancy!