Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Full Moon

Remember the two women from the Halloween party who had the conversation about my looks within earshot? Well, I have another story to share.

I had to go to Woman 2's office to hand her some paperwork and Woman 1 was in there eating lunch. They asked me how many weeks I have left (only six, can you believe it?) and then Woman 1 told me that I was having a girl because my face changed (honestly, it's just gotten fat, not sure it's really changed other than that). After talking about that for a minute or two, she spouted out another old wives tale that I'd actually never heard of.

She told me that all babies are born around the full moon. Either on the full moon or a day or two afterwards. She said that I need to check the calendar for the next full moon and then I'll know exactly when the baby is coming. Although I find this very hard to believe for a number of reasons (see below), I politely told her I would and I actually did. If she's right (ha!), the Baby D will arrive about four and a half weeks early (December 12) or five days early (January 11). While H would like the first option (for tax reasons, remember?), I would prefer the second because, honestly, I'm not ready yet. Bags haven't been packed, necessities (diapers, etc.) haven't been purchased, etc.

But, I don't buy into that so I'm not banking on it. I could go on and on about why this is nonsense but here are my top three reasons:

1. Hospitals don't only deliver babies once a month. That's a fact.

2. If it really were true, wouldn't OBGYNs base your due date on the lunar calendar instead of your menstrual cycle?

3. I checked some recent birth dates of friends' babies and none of them were born on or right after a full moon.

If, by some chance, I do have a girl and she is born on or right after a full moon then this woman should start charging for her predictions!

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