Thursday, December 4, 2008

It Keeps Growing and Growing...

This morning I got my second to last fetal growth scan and Baby D is right on track! Right now, the technician estimated that it is 4 lbs. 12 oz. But here's the scary part, if Baby D continues to grow at the normal rate of half a pound per week, then it will be about 7 lbs. 12 oz. when born! (Coworkers who read this: keep that math in your head if they do a baby pool!) That seems like a big baby to me. I hope I can deliver a baby that size. I'm not worried about the labor, just the delivery (now).

I'm also a bit worried about how I'll move around. At this size, I already feel I'm pretty big and am starting to feel the strain on my back. I can't bend over anymore and my feet have completely disappeared from view when standing. I can't imagine another three pounds. I'll be waddling everywhere!

We (H was with me) learned today that Baby D has moved slightly since last month. Instead of it's head facing my back, it's now facing my belly (for delivery it is ideal for it to be facing my back but it can still turn around again). And it's body is now on my left side. The butt on the top right, the feet on bottom right and hands on bottom left.

I showed the technician where I feel the most pressure and she confirmed that it is the butt. She said it could be from Baby D curling up its legs and therefore pushing against my belly. I think Baby D just likes to stick its butt out at me.

I'll post pictures later.

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