Thursday, July 31, 2008

Were You Trying???

In the past three days, I've told three friends that I'm pregnant (yes, it's taking me a while - but I've got time). Surprisingly, each of those friends asked me if we were trying to get pregnant. I've always found this to be sort of a taboo question and have never asked anyone. But since it's not like we're 45 years old with two teenagers, I guess it's not so bad to ask. I would have to say the majority of people I've told have asked me this. When I told one person that I thought it was a weird question to ask, she said it's because I didn't openly talk about wanting to have a child RIGHT NOW. With all the stories of how long it can take and in vitro, it's just not something I'd do. 

So what do I tell everyone who asks? The truth. We weren't trying, but we weren't not trying. It's not like I was taking my temperature or anything but we were both ready. We figured that if it happened, great. If it didn't, that's fine as well. Lucky for us, it did happen.

On another note, I had my second prenatal screening test on Wednesday. It was just a blood test and the results will be sent to my doctor. This test (along with the last one) provides you with the odds that your child will have down syndrome, spina bifida (or other neural tube defects) or Trisomy 18. It's Baby D's first tests and he/she cannot even study for them! Cross your fingers that everything is okay.  =)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Growing (or not really) and packing

This weekend was quite difficult for me. On Saturday I decided to go down to the maternity store to purchase those bands that cover the tops of skirts/pants and allow pregnant women to leave them unzipped as their belly grows. But, once there I learned that these are only recommended for up to four months (I'm at four months now) because after that it's too restricting for the baby. So, I now need to purchase maternity clothes. This wasn't fun. Apparently, I am a very small four months and so a lot of skirts and dresses were way too long as I didn't have a belly to pull them up. After a depressing hour by myself in the store, I purchased a few things and left. 

If that wasn't bad enough, the plan for the rest of my afternoon was to pack up all of the clothes that don't fit me (95% of my wardrobe) and move them to storage. This was to help with two things: 1. make it easier to pick out what to wear in the morning and 2. prevent me from being depressed when I try on clothes that no longer fit. This was tough, very tough. I work(ed) hard to stay my size and to have that all go away within the matter of two months and with no control over it, isn't easy.  I won't lie. I hated being pregnant on Saturday (and Sunday - read on...). 

Sunday wasn't much better. After encouragement from a friend to visit Ann Taylor Loft and check out their sales and maternity clothes, I decided it couldn't hurt. Ha! The maternity section has about 10 pieces of clothing and even the XS (they say you should wear the size you did before pregnancy) were too big. The skirt literally fell off! And the petite dresses/shirts didn't fit either - a combination of too tight and too big. So, back to American Apparel - my savior. I purchased one more skirt and dress. Hopefully I'll be able to avoid shopping again until my mother comes in a few weeks.

I can't believe I'm saying (writing) this, but I'm looking forward to being "more pregnant" so that I'm not in this weird in between stage. I just feel fat, and, quite frankly, it sucks.

I'd like to end on a positive note, so here is my top 5 list of things I'm thankful for so far in my pregnancy:
1. My extensive knowledge of the location of public restrooms (and which ones are clean)
2. My first Dian von Furstenberg purchase - a wrap shirt, the dresses still look terrible on me
3. Jackson - he's a great comfort and also great exercise (we've started taking morning walks so that I can stay in shape) 
4. Thicker nails (hair's still thin though)
5. My bed


Saturday, July 26, 2008


Yesterday morning I am in the kitchen feeding Jackson and my husband walks in. Below is the very odd (well, not so odd if you know him) conversation we had:

D: You know, it would be really great if you could make it so that the baby comes in December.

G: Why?

D: That way, we could claim it on our taxes for the entire year of 2008.

G: But if the baby does come early, it'd be premature and it could have health problems. You're okay with that?

D: It wouldn't have health problems. It'd just be a few weeks early. And we'd save a lot of money on our taxes.

G: The baby will come when it's ready to come.

Later that night at dinner, he said that he's jealous of another couple we know because they are due a week before us and have a better chance of having the baby in 2008. Then he suggested (jokingly, I think) that next time we go to the OB, we talk to her about inducing in December. 

Yes, ladies and gentleman. This is my life. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Doctor Visit

We went to the doctor this morning and I've gained 7 pounds! I didn't gain any weight during the first three months but in one month I've gained 7! My doctor says this is perfectly normal and there's nothing to worry about. But for me, I'm now at the heaviest I've ever been and I cannot imagine seeing the scale go higher. It's taking a lot of strength to not freak out. I know it's good to gain weight but I still cannot understand why I would need to gain 25-30 pounds for a 6-8 pound baby. Seems crazy.

At every visit, we get to see Baby D on the monitor (I'll upload a picture later) and it's doing well! Baby D did a few kicks and acrobatic moves for us this morning (taking after its mother). It was fun to see. It'll be a while before I feel those. So after the baby performed, the doctor asked if we want to know the sex. We said no. But apparently she looked anyway. (As you may or may not know, my OB's husband works with my husband. So I have a more casual relationship with her than you would with most doctors.) While we're waiting to check out, she comes by to tease us. She tells us that she peeked and she knows what we're having! She promised not to tell her her husband. After we left the her office we had a conversation about what we think the sex is.

Now my husband is even more convinced that it's a boy because if she looked quickly, she would've had to have seen something in order to confirm that (I tried to explain there are clear indicators for a girl too, but he didn't want to believe me). I guess this theory is a little better than his reasoning from our last ultrasound where he said it was a boy because of the jaw structure! I, of course, want a girl. I won't know what to do with a boy. Perhaps I'll make him into a ballerina.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Prenatal Yoga and shopping

I have received mixed advice about exercise during pregnancy. Some say it helps the labor, others say it helps you get back in shape afterwards and then there are some that say it doesn't matter at all. I'm going to go on the exercise does help advice as I generally like to be in shape and figure it can't hurt.

I've been taking Prenatal Yoga classes on Monday evenings since I was about 10 weeks along. Each class is an hour and a half and has a theme. Last night was "open mouth, open vagina" and talked about how relaxing your mouth and jaw during labor will result in an open birthing canal and less chance of a tear and the need for an episiotomy. I never realized how much I clench my jaw until I was constantly reminded not to. 

This past weekend I went shopping. I'm still afraid of maternity stores (I can't explain it and I know it's irrational, just like Jackson's fear of the Guitar Hero guitar) so I went to American Apparel. This store was made for pregnant women! There are no zippers so everything stretches. I bought two skirts and a dress that can be worn a million different ways. I'm in pregnancy heaven...

Friday, July 18, 2008

How Big is Baby D?

Today I learned that Baby D is the size of a lemon. He/she can squint, frown, grimace, pee (gross, right?) and possibly suck its thumb.

Although I'm at 14 weeks, I haven't had any weird cravings yet. I hear that this is the time they begin so I'm waiting. I'm actually looking forward to these - I can't wait to see what strange things I'll want to combine. Maybe I'll even develop a taste for pickles?

On my way to work today, there was a woman with a bag of bread crumbs feeding the pigeons. That's gross. I'd like to add that to the list of things I want to ban: feeding pigeons.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Welcome to my blog

(Since so many of my friends/family live out of town, it was suggested that I start a blog. So, here it is. I cannot promise to be funny or interesting, but I'll do my best. )

So, I'm knocked up. Yup, it happened while Dan and I took a cruise to the Galapagos Islands (which I highly recommend). It's been a little over three months now and I think I'm finally past the worst of it. Yes, the nausea, cramps, breakouts, sore boobs and intense hunger sucked, but worse was having to tell my sister. You see Cara's wedding was scheduled for the begining of January and Baby D (that's how it will be referred to on this blog - the D is for my last name, in case you are wondering) is due on January 16. So poor Cara had to change the date of her wedding to accomodate the arrival of her first niece/nephew. It's the family curse. All the cousins have a "disaster" that they have to overcome. I had to change the date/location of my wedding because of Hurricane Katrina and Ilana's guests experienced a tornado that directly hit the hotel while we were all out to dinner (walking down 44 flights of stairs with a 10-lb. puppy in your arms is quite a workout!). So, Cara's "disaster" was Baby D. But now Cara's getting married in March (like the rest of her cousins) and things are settling into place.

As for me, my clothes don't fit. They say you should gain 3-4 pounds during the first three months and 2-3 pounds every month afterwards. Well, 4-5 pounds on a 5'1" 110 lb. body is a lot! So I'm down to just a few skirts and dresses that will actually zip. And, I'm too small for maternity clothes. I always thought being pregnant would be great because I wouldn't get my period for 9 months. Ha! Spending a half hour trying to find something that fits totally makes up for it.

Today's Random Thought:
Since I've been in NYC, there've been quite a few bans. First, there was the smoking ban. Then there was the trans fat ban. Now, a state assembleywoman from Manhattan is trying to ban styrofoam from all restaurants throughout the state. While I think all these bans are great, there are a few more that I'd like to suggest:
1. Tourists before 9:00 a.m.
2. Rodents (the animal kind and the human kind)
3. Smelly people on the subway
4. Cell phone reception in public bathrooms
5. Golf umbrellas