Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Doctor Visit

We went to the doctor this morning and I've gained 7 pounds! I didn't gain any weight during the first three months but in one month I've gained 7! My doctor says this is perfectly normal and there's nothing to worry about. But for me, I'm now at the heaviest I've ever been and I cannot imagine seeing the scale go higher. It's taking a lot of strength to not freak out. I know it's good to gain weight but I still cannot understand why I would need to gain 25-30 pounds for a 6-8 pound baby. Seems crazy.

At every visit, we get to see Baby D on the monitor (I'll upload a picture later) and it's doing well! Baby D did a few kicks and acrobatic moves for us this morning (taking after its mother). It was fun to see. It'll be a while before I feel those. So after the baby performed, the doctor asked if we want to know the sex. We said no. But apparently she looked anyway. (As you may or may not know, my OB's husband works with my husband. So I have a more casual relationship with her than you would with most doctors.) While we're waiting to check out, she comes by to tease us. She tells us that she peeked and she knows what we're having! She promised not to tell her her husband. After we left the her office we had a conversation about what we think the sex is.

Now my husband is even more convinced that it's a boy because if she looked quickly, she would've had to have seen something in order to confirm that (I tried to explain there are clear indicators for a girl too, but he didn't want to believe me). I guess this theory is a little better than his reasoning from our last ultrasound where he said it was a boy because of the jaw structure! I, of course, want a girl. I won't know what to do with a boy. Perhaps I'll make him into a ballerina.

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