Saturday, July 26, 2008


Yesterday morning I am in the kitchen feeding Jackson and my husband walks in. Below is the very odd (well, not so odd if you know him) conversation we had:

D: You know, it would be really great if you could make it so that the baby comes in December.

G: Why?

D: That way, we could claim it on our taxes for the entire year of 2008.

G: But if the baby does come early, it'd be premature and it could have health problems. You're okay with that?

D: It wouldn't have health problems. It'd just be a few weeks early. And we'd save a lot of money on our taxes.

G: The baby will come when it's ready to come.

Later that night at dinner, he said that he's jealous of another couple we know because they are due a week before us and have a better chance of having the baby in 2008. Then he suggested (jokingly, I think) that next time we go to the OB, we talk to her about inducing in December. 

Yes, ladies and gentleman. This is my life. 

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