Thursday, July 31, 2008

Were You Trying???

In the past three days, I've told three friends that I'm pregnant (yes, it's taking me a while - but I've got time). Surprisingly, each of those friends asked me if we were trying to get pregnant. I've always found this to be sort of a taboo question and have never asked anyone. But since it's not like we're 45 years old with two teenagers, I guess it's not so bad to ask. I would have to say the majority of people I've told have asked me this. When I told one person that I thought it was a weird question to ask, she said it's because I didn't openly talk about wanting to have a child RIGHT NOW. With all the stories of how long it can take and in vitro, it's just not something I'd do. 

So what do I tell everyone who asks? The truth. We weren't trying, but we weren't not trying. It's not like I was taking my temperature or anything but we were both ready. We figured that if it happened, great. If it didn't, that's fine as well. Lucky for us, it did happen.

On another note, I had my second prenatal screening test on Wednesday. It was just a blood test and the results will be sent to my doctor. This test (along with the last one) provides you with the odds that your child will have down syndrome, spina bifida (or other neural tube defects) or Trisomy 18. It's Baby D's first tests and he/she cannot even study for them! Cross your fingers that everything is okay.  =)

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