Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Prenatal Yoga and shopping

I have received mixed advice about exercise during pregnancy. Some say it helps the labor, others say it helps you get back in shape afterwards and then there are some that say it doesn't matter at all. I'm going to go on the exercise does help advice as I generally like to be in shape and figure it can't hurt.

I've been taking Prenatal Yoga classes on Monday evenings since I was about 10 weeks along. Each class is an hour and a half and has a theme. Last night was "open mouth, open vagina" and talked about how relaxing your mouth and jaw during labor will result in an open birthing canal and less chance of a tear and the need for an episiotomy. I never realized how much I clench my jaw until I was constantly reminded not to. 

This past weekend I went shopping. I'm still afraid of maternity stores (I can't explain it and I know it's irrational, just like Jackson's fear of the Guitar Hero guitar) so I went to American Apparel. This store was made for pregnant women! There are no zippers so everything stretches. I bought two skirts and a dress that can be worn a million different ways. I'm in pregnancy heaven...

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