Friday, October 31, 2008

Flu Shot

I just got my flu shot today through work. In order to do so, I had to get a note from my OB. I find that a bit odd since pregnant women are a high-risk group.  My OB found it odd too and so my note from her (which she wrote under protest, saying they should just go look it up - I need the shot) said: Pregnant. Needs flu shot. 

Have you gotten your flu shot? If you want to get near and/or hold Baby D you need to! Babies do not have a great immune system and if you are carrying flu germs then Baby D can get very sick. And you wouldn't want that, right?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Head Start

I'm not sure our one-year-old puppy fully understands what's going on with me. I'm sure he can tell that something's different, but I don't think he's old enough to fully get it. But, the one thing he does get is that I'm a bit slower than I was. 

Our puppy loves to run up and down the stairs and does so almost every time I go up and down (he's gotten more attached to me recently). However, in the past few weeks he's begun to give me a head start. Instead of going up with me, he waits until I'm about 2/3 of the way up and then starts, finishing at the top just as I do.  He does the same on the way down (although I still go down pretty quickly).  

It's very cute that he does this but, honestly, it makes me feel old.

I can hear you

Today we had our office Halloween party. It's strongly suggested that we attend these gatherings for a few minutes so I went upstairs with two friends to make my appearance. After being there for about ten minutes, two (old and single) women in the finance department were standing a few feet from me, talking about me! The conversation went something like this:

Woman 1: Oh, she's definitely having a girl (pointing - yes pointing - at me).
Woman 2: Really?
Woman 1: Yes, her face has really changed. It's gotten so fat (pointing again). Can you see how fat her face has gotten? 
Woman 2: Oh.
Woman 1: If your face changes and it gets fat that means your having a girl. And hers (yes, still pointing) has really changed. It's gotten fat.

I'm sure the conversation continued but I didn't stick around to listen. I walked over to talk to some other girls and started talking to them. I just wanted to get away from them. 

Now I'm not perfect and have definitely put my foot in my mouth on many occasions but it still shocks me that people say things like that when the person they are speaking about is right there! 

And didn't her mother teach her not to point?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


If one more person tells me to get all the sleep I can now, I'm going to scream. Why? Well, because I can't get all the sleep I want now. It's very uncomfortable (actually, it's quite painful).

Some "expert" somewhere decided that the best position for sleep during pregnancy is your left side. Sleeping on your stomach (my normal position) is out because of the bowling ball in your belly. Apparently, if you sleep on your back the weight of the uterus and the baby presses against the vena cava (main vein that carries oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lower body). If this vena cava is compressed, it can interfere with circulation. So it's down to sleeping on your side. The left side is recommended because it allows for maximum blood flow and can reduce swelling in the legs.

So I am forced to sleep on my left side. In theory this doesn't sound bad but in reality it's not good. All of that weight on my left hip, shoulder and neck make it very uncomfortable. Every morning I wake up stiff on my left side. My hip is the worst part. It's downright painful and now hurts on a regular basis. I spend half of my day stretching it out just so I can fall asleep at night (I won't even get into trying to get back to sleep after I've woken up at night). So far no pillow combination or configuration has been able to help. I now sleep better sitting up on the sofa or train.

This Saturday my yoga instructor is going to show me a modified back-sleeping position. I'm hoping that will be comfortable and help fix my problem. Also, I think I'm going to purchase a body pillow. If neither of these work, then I will eagerly look forward to the few hours of comfortable sleep that I will get with a newborn.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Turn, Baby, Turn

We went to the doctor this morning for the 7-month check-up and learned that Baby D is currently breech. At this point, that really doesn't mean too much as the baby can (and often does) change position as it gets closer to its due date.

In the yoga class I took in Manhattan, the instructor would often tell women whose babies were in the breech position (and at 35+ weeks) to try a few different methods to turn the baby. For example, handstands in a pool, shining a flashlight up there or sitting on a loud radio. If Baby D doesn't do the right thing and turn on its own, I guess I will get to experiment. Oh how fun.

So far, I've gained 19 pounds. (The baby should be about 2 pounds right now - does that mean I have a 17 pound placenta?) Luckily, I am not feeling too bad. I have lower back pain every once in a while but nothing terrible. Nothing the lumbar massage cushion can't remedy.

I now start going to the doctor every two weeks so that I can meet all of the doctors in the practice (in case mine isn't on call when I go into labor). I do hope it's my doctor though. The idea of a relative stranger delivering the baby is not ideal. At least I'll have a doula (and H - who will probably have his eyes closed the whole time).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I think Baby D has the hiccups right now. Based on what I've read, that's what it feels like. It's kind of like tiny gas bubbles in my stomach. It feels weird. I wonder if they'll go away if I drink a glass of water, try to scare the baby or hold my breath.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Where's Your Filter?

Yesterday at work, I was working with one of the interns on a project. Another intern in the room (there are three total) commented that I "finally look pregnant." I think I've looked pregnant for quite a while now so that struck me as odd. But not nearly as odd as what she said next:

"Are you sure you're not having twins? You're so big!"

First, I'm actually not that big (although I sure do feel it). Secondly, where's your filter? Do you really think it's okay to say that to a pregnant woman? I know she's only 21 years old, but still. I wasn't really offended by what she said but I can't get it out of my head. Oh well, could've been worse, I guess.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Boy Names

The frustration continues.

Friday night H and I sat down to go over boy name options. We each took a week to come up with names we liked and then sat down to weigh the pros and cons of each name. Unfortunately, we ended up right back where we started. He didn't like my choices and I didn't like his. I think part of the problem is that we want different things in a name.

I'm at a loss. Maybe we'll just name the baby (if it's a boy) Baby D. That could work, right? (Of course we'd then have to change it to Kid D, Teenager D and finally Adult D.)

It seems ridiculous, but I suggested a baby name consultant. H doesn't want to do it because he says there aren't any names he doesn't know of. H thought about leaving the name to a vote among family and friends. We'll put our top choices in there and see what everyone seems to gravitate towards. Or, we can just let one of us pick the name this time and the other pick the next child's name (if we are lucky enough to have two).

And people say this is the easiest decision you make as parents...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Alive and Kicking!

Well, at 26 weeks Baby D has finally begun to let its presence known. This week Baby D began moving much more and kicking around. Last night, as I was laying down to go to sleep, Baby D decided it was time to party. Not so good for me, but H got to really feel the movement! You could actually see little bumps in my stomach. Very cool.

On Wednesday I went to the hospital to learn the baby's current weight and make sure it was growing okay. Currently, it is 1 lb. 12 oz. (right now it should be between 1.5 and 2 pounds so it's in range). It's kind of crazy to think how fast the baby is going to grow over the next 3 1/2 months. I already feel big, I can only imagine what I'll be like in January.

I've included the latest sonogram pictures. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Breaking habits

I once read that it only takes 3 times to form a new habit and 30 days to break an old one. With my tummy quickly expanding, there are some new habits I need to make and old ones I need to break (at least temporarily):

I can fit through there!
After having been about the same size for the last ten years, I still find it hard to get used to my new and bigger body. I still think I can squeeze through small spaces but now I end up bumping people in the process.

My (lack of) height + countertops = no leaning
I still try to lean over the bathroom sink and see into the mirror. It doesn't get me very far so I have to walk around to the side if I want a close-up view.

Bend from the knees
For simple things, like picking up Jackson's toys, I normally bend over from the waist to pick things up. This now hurts my back. It's all about bending at the knees.

Smaller meals
I've always been a three meals a day kind of girl. Breakfast, lunch and dinner with a snack here or there. Small meals are just too difficult to do. But now I need to make the switch. Big meals leave me feeling nauseous these days. And then I'm still hungry two hours later.

Pointy shoes have got to go...eventually
This will be the last habit I break - mark my words. I should've been in flats (or shoes with little heels) for the past two months now but I just cannot bring myself to do it. All of my shoes still fit and they're not painful. Pretty soon I'll have to break down and purchase shoes with little (and wide) heels. Ugh!

Lots of changes, so little time!