Friday, October 24, 2008

Turn, Baby, Turn

We went to the doctor this morning for the 7-month check-up and learned that Baby D is currently breech. At this point, that really doesn't mean too much as the baby can (and often does) change position as it gets closer to its due date.

In the yoga class I took in Manhattan, the instructor would often tell women whose babies were in the breech position (and at 35+ weeks) to try a few different methods to turn the baby. For example, handstands in a pool, shining a flashlight up there or sitting on a loud radio. If Baby D doesn't do the right thing and turn on its own, I guess I will get to experiment. Oh how fun.

So far, I've gained 19 pounds. (The baby should be about 2 pounds right now - does that mean I have a 17 pound placenta?) Luckily, I am not feeling too bad. I have lower back pain every once in a while but nothing terrible. Nothing the lumbar massage cushion can't remedy.

I now start going to the doctor every two weeks so that I can meet all of the doctors in the practice (in case mine isn't on call when I go into labor). I do hope it's my doctor though. The idea of a relative stranger delivering the baby is not ideal. At least I'll have a doula (and H - who will probably have his eyes closed the whole time).

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