Monday, October 13, 2008

Boy Names

The frustration continues.

Friday night H and I sat down to go over boy name options. We each took a week to come up with names we liked and then sat down to weigh the pros and cons of each name. Unfortunately, we ended up right back where we started. He didn't like my choices and I didn't like his. I think part of the problem is that we want different things in a name.

I'm at a loss. Maybe we'll just name the baby (if it's a boy) Baby D. That could work, right? (Of course we'd then have to change it to Kid D, Teenager D and finally Adult D.)

It seems ridiculous, but I suggested a baby name consultant. H doesn't want to do it because he says there aren't any names he doesn't know of. H thought about leaving the name to a vote among family and friends. We'll put our top choices in there and see what everyone seems to gravitate towards. Or, we can just let one of us pick the name this time and the other pick the next child's name (if we are lucky enough to have two).

And people say this is the easiest decision you make as parents...

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