Tuesday, November 18, 2008

That Girl

This past Saturday evening was my sister-in-law's wedding. She's one of those women who dreamed about her wedding ever since she was a little girl. (Once I got engaged I became jealous of these women because they knew what they wanted and I had no idea. I'd never given it much thought.) She looked beautiful,  the venue was beautiful and the entire wedding was simply amazing. They used the rabbi that married me an H and it was nice to see him again (and discuss the possible baby naming/bris). They also purchased the same Ketubah as us and used the same song to introduce themselves at the reception. 

But what I'll remember most about that evening is that I became "that girl." You know, the one who got sick. It was hard enough for me to get over being the "pregnant one" (aka the "fat one") in the wedding party but the getting sick thing was so embarrassing. At least it wasn't from drinking too much (one sip of champagne all evening). I'm not sure if I ate something I shouldn't have or had some sort of bug, but I spent the last hour of the wedding in the upstairs bathroom (and sitting on the stairs next to the bathroom). It was so humiliating and I'm thankful that not too many people found out (at least that's what I would like to believe). 

My mom and sister sat there with me for most of the time and it was nice to have the company. I was told (by a friend who recently gave birth) to call the OBGYN's office and make sure that I didn't need to get checked out. The doctor on call said that if lasted more than 24 hours I should call back. That made me feel a bit better but as the evening ended I worried if I could make it home to Greenwich. I almost stayed in Manhattan with my parents at their hotel but decided to try and get home (I'm not sure I could've slept without my five pillows!) and luckily I made it.

I was sick for most of Sunday but started to feel better towards the evening (never underestimate the power of toast and Ginger Ale). On Monday I stayed home from work just to make sure I was better and returned to work today. I'm now back to normal and hoping to put this whole sick thing behind me. 

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