Thursday, July 17, 2008

Welcome to my blog

(Since so many of my friends/family live out of town, it was suggested that I start a blog. So, here it is. I cannot promise to be funny or interesting, but I'll do my best. )

So, I'm knocked up. Yup, it happened while Dan and I took a cruise to the Galapagos Islands (which I highly recommend). It's been a little over three months now and I think I'm finally past the worst of it. Yes, the nausea, cramps, breakouts, sore boobs and intense hunger sucked, but worse was having to tell my sister. You see Cara's wedding was scheduled for the begining of January and Baby D (that's how it will be referred to on this blog - the D is for my last name, in case you are wondering) is due on January 16. So poor Cara had to change the date of her wedding to accomodate the arrival of her first niece/nephew. It's the family curse. All the cousins have a "disaster" that they have to overcome. I had to change the date/location of my wedding because of Hurricane Katrina and Ilana's guests experienced a tornado that directly hit the hotel while we were all out to dinner (walking down 44 flights of stairs with a 10-lb. puppy in your arms is quite a workout!). So, Cara's "disaster" was Baby D. But now Cara's getting married in March (like the rest of her cousins) and things are settling into place.

As for me, my clothes don't fit. They say you should gain 3-4 pounds during the first three months and 2-3 pounds every month afterwards. Well, 4-5 pounds on a 5'1" 110 lb. body is a lot! So I'm down to just a few skirts and dresses that will actually zip. And, I'm too small for maternity clothes. I always thought being pregnant would be great because I wouldn't get my period for 9 months. Ha! Spending a half hour trying to find something that fits totally makes up for it.

Today's Random Thought:
Since I've been in NYC, there've been quite a few bans. First, there was the smoking ban. Then there was the trans fat ban. Now, a state assembleywoman from Manhattan is trying to ban styrofoam from all restaurants throughout the state. While I think all these bans are great, there are a few more that I'd like to suggest:
1. Tourists before 9:00 a.m.
2. Rodents (the animal kind and the human kind)
3. Smelly people on the subway
4. Cell phone reception in public bathrooms
5. Golf umbrellas

1 comment:

ilana schlam said...

I am so excited you are doing a blog and i am even more excited that you will be having a baby!!!! Ahhhhh! So awesome - i am still so excited for yall.