Thursday, August 21, 2008

Everybody Drink!

When I was in high school, I spent a summer in Israel with my youth group. One of my counselors was a bit paranoid about dehydration. Once an hour, she would yell "Everybody drink!" All 30 of us had to drink from our water bottles. I could've used her yesterday.

I got dehydrated yesterday - no fun. It kind of felt like a bad hangover with cramps. I had a headache, was nauseous, tired and overall felt blech. So, I went home from work around 2:30. I bought two Gatorades and cuddled up in bed with Jackson. After some rest and lots of fluids, I felt a bit better.

From what I've heard, most women experience this at least once. They're not kidding when they say you have to drink a lot of water! It's just that at some point water becomes VERY boring. Someone should invent pregnancy water. In my mind, it will come in different flavors and be addictive (without harming the baby) so that pregnant women want to drink.

Today I'm back at working and feeling better. But now I have a water bottle at my side at all times!

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