Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm Full

Tonight is our dating anniversary. Five years ago today I met my husband at Monkey Bar in midtown Manhattan. We had a few drinks and were having such a good time that we decided to continue our date at a comedy show. It was a great evening (even with the rain) and we try to go back to Monkey Bar every year to remember our first date. Yesterday one of my RSS feeds informed me that Monkey Bar was being purchased by an unknown buyer and was closed for the day. Today I learned that Graydon Carter (editor of Vanity Fair) and a few partners purchased the bar/restaurant and it will be closed for the next year to undergo renovations. How selfish of Graydon. Didn't he know we planned to go there this evening? Couldn't he have waited until Friday?

Since our original plan was no longer an option and I can't drink anyway, we decided just to celebrate at home. We ordered pizza and I ate three slices (two is usually plenty for me) - I was so full. Then about an hour later I decided that the best use of my Coke would be to make a Coke float. So I did. And I drank/ate it. 


Pregnant or not, that's a big meal for me. It's actually a bit painful. I still haven't bought into the whole "your pregnant so you can eat what you want" theory. I try to balance my vices (chocolate chip cookies and ice cream) with fruits and vegetables. I don't down a gallon of ice cream in a single serving (one scoop only) and don't stuff my face with junk. So now I'm feeling guilty. And full.

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