Friday, August 8, 2008

Today's Adventure

So this morning I woke up with a small asthma attack. I took my rescue inhaler and about 10-15 minutes later realized that it wasn't working. I moved on to my nebulizer and did an entire treatment. Once complete, I thought I was getting better. Then, it got worse. It was hard to breathe, I was coughing (so much so that I went and sat near the toilet), my hands and head were tingling and I was dizzy. I'm sure you can see where this is going - a fun little trip to the hospital! (I haven't been to the hospital for my asthma since my sophomore year of college.) 

H (short for husband, it'll be faster from now on, promise) took me to the hospital and they directed us to the 12th floor - labor and delivery. Thirty minutes later someone finally saw me and my asthma had calmed down. I learned that in addition to my asthma, I was hyperventilating and that was causing the tingling and dizziness. 

After a few hours of tests on me (did you know they can check your oxygen levels just by putting a thing around your index finger?!?!) and the baby, they determined I was fine. Baby D's heart was beating normally, there were no contractions and I wasn't dilated.  So they gave me a prescription for Advair (I HATE steroids) and told me that I should see a pulmonologist. So I made an appointment with one for Monday. 

We were there for so long that one woman had her baby during the time we were there. I didn't get to work until 1:00 today. At least I got to catch up on some reading. 

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