Thursday, August 28, 2008

Baby D Passed Again!

On Wednesday, Baby D had its 20 week anatomy scan and (s)he passed with flying colors! The heart has four chambers, the spine goes from the head to the butt, there are two arms (with hands and fingers) and two legs (with feet and toes) and he/she weighs a total of 12 oz (a Coke can!). 

Of course, Baby D was being a bit stubborn. Apparently it was sitting during the sonogram, making it difficult for the technician to get a picture of it's entire spine (from head to butt). Finally, after about 45 minutes, Baby D moved and we got to see the whole spine! It was actually very cool. (Sorry no pictures of that. I think the tech was just glad to finally be done with us.) 
H is now even more convinced that it is a girl. At the end of the sonogram, he said something to the technician and reffered to the baby as a "he" and she corrected him by saying that he shouldn't say "he" because we don't know what the sex is. That, of course, made him even more convinced that we're having a girl. I'm enjoying the waiting game. It's kind of fun to guess. Only problem is that we have to pick two names, two sets of furniture, two stroller colors, etc.

PS I know H isn't fond of being mentioned here, but I just want to tell this quick story. When I arrived at the hospital (I was a bit late, hard to find a cab), H was waiting for me at the front. There was a blind man trying to find his way to the door without anyone to help him. So H walked over to him, asked if he needed some help and verbally guided him to the door. What a gentleman! 

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